Wie jedes Jahr fand im Herbst 2017 wieder der Austausch mit unserer Partnerschule in Birmingham statt.
Einige Impressionen schildert unser Schüler Paul in seinem Bericht: „After my English Exchange student Sam arrived, we went home to my house by bus. I showed him his room and the rest of the house. About an hour later we had ice cream with some other students from my year. On the next day the exchange students visited our first lesson. Later they went on a trip with their teachers. In the afternoon, many students, including me, went bowling with their exchange partners. On Friday we visited Hessen Center. We had lunch there too. On Saturday we went to watch a friend’s football game. An hour later we visited Frankfurt downtown. Some Friends and me showed the exchange students some important and famous places of Frankfurt and bought some souvenirs. One Sunday morning my friend, me and two of the exchange students visited an old castle, called Ronneburg. In the afternoon we visited the “Classic Stadt”. At the evening we had Pizza with friends and some of the other exchange students. On Monday the exchange students visited our first lesson again. In the evening we had dinner on a traditional Restaurant. On Tuesday we had breakfast and brought Sam to the train station where we met all the others to say Good bye. It was a great time and I hope we keep in contact.“